Rock Springs Animal Control Removes Gas Chamber!

With the help of a grant from the Humane Society of the United States, Rock Springs Animal Control succeeded in removing, crushing, and recycling their latest gas chamber (along with a previous one), saying they have more humane methods of dealing with animal population problems than the use of carbon monoxide. Animal Control employees Sarah Nichols, Carly Eversole-Norris, Karalee Wells, and Christina Dyches launched the project while Mayor Tim Kaumo ensured the gas chamber was removed by the deadline. Several animal control employees and city leaders worked through 2019 and 2020 to achieve the goal of removing this archaic and cruel method of euthanasia, and they made it happen on December 21, 2020.

City Councilman Tim Savage helped connect the shelter staff with the HSUS for grant funding to demolish the gas chamber, ensuring it will never be used by others again.

Grant money will also fund improvements to the shelter, converting the room that housed the gas chamber to an infirmary for sick and infectious animals. The focus of Rock Springs Animal Control is now to address education, enforcement, and the ongoing spay and neuter program to help lower animal populations. Education on the importance of spaying and neutering animals is key to a lower euthanasia rate.

Kudos to those individuals responsible for this remarkable achievement!


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